Thursday, May 24, 2012

the telltale signs of progression resound rather subtlely, simply, within the quiet moments wherein we are not focused upon the lists and the arduous path to whateverwhichever staggered success we've fixated upon next, ive been living so long in silence in cyclical patterns within my own mandala, representative of a many faceted approach with a singular intention ....
the mundane creeps in often begging to be appreciated rather than numbed and diluted for an altered perspective, impossible it is, for something to be anything other than what it is, by nature.
i am in and out of the flow when i battle against uncertainty, with refusal to accept its utter perfection
with refusal to recognize my own righteousness, accept my own self-deprication and learn the methods in which to foster healing...
yet i know them. in my bones, my reflexes, my instincts understand.. its only an intellectual block that requires removal..

as we move through evolution and release old baggage and endeavour to move forth with a heart that is clear like the sea... it strikes me how thickly the walls inside us become built up upon... like hardened arteries...
the relationships of my past, regularly haunt me. some more than others and many specific instances, but regardless of detail the premise is the same. its been a series of sacrificial, egotistical, self-indulgent digressions, objectifications, chemical reactions...amidst the nonchalant search for equality and balance and a healthy exchange. i see this first within myself, knowing all of these issues stem from unaddessed suffering- but suffering unaddressed can so easily be healed with simple awareness
we can free our relationship shadows, heal our relationship patterns and begin fresh new adventures by choosing simple confrontation to the house of mirrors in the soul.

Love leans in with forgiving Grace to replace the millennia of suffering with an opportunity for elevation, for re-creation of our species...