Friday, December 9, 2011


temples of devotion to our dreams and our dharma.
expressions of affirmations that nourish our longings to rise... to transform... to extend great expansive influence over the landscape of our lives.

sacredspace; an ever-permeating concept;
being and doing, creating and allowing, action and stillness, awareness and honoring...

sacred exists in the balance. between faith and diligence.
the balance of artful living;
delicate and dynamic....
...vulnerable and unwaveringly strong.

sacred is the personification of art's reverence to symbolism.

in the abundance of sacred in all that is... mundane moments, and majestic ones, are unified.

unity is the undertone of all things creative.
...creation is connection and connection is most sacred.
art is lipservice to the divine.. the flavour of salvation...sacred sustenance by which to nourish more beautiful realities... sustain more shining aspirations.

....sacredspaces are within us, breeding in those pools of inspiration.
igniting in the primal desire to connect.
to experience something divine...
to be called to the highest purposeful production.
once blessed by suchsacredawareness... living becomes a ritualistic dance rife with expression.

sacredspaces inside, once realized, mobilized, carried on, with knowing, that despite circumstance and scenario... we are indomitable if aligned with our unique expression.

integrity acts a shield protecting these fertile innerspaces,
our temples of truth...of perennial possibility..
as sacredbloomsforth from within .... creating art of all life,
build those spaces for the divine to manifest its amenity by beauty...

construct gorgeous nooks whereto pay homage to your dreams...
platforms on which to energize and empower your creations...
...altars for actualization.
infuse them with potentiality.

sacredspaces make real the intentions we have to succeed. to nourish. to evolve. to be free.
sacredspaces: veneration for all that is possible.

Love leans in with forgiving Grace to replace the millennia of suffering with an opportunity for elevation, for re-creation of our species...