Sunday, June 26, 2011

much time spent as the ar.tinmotion catalyst, becoming...observing...empowering...awakening...delivering the divinely infinite yet thoughtlessly simple messages to the eyes that i am to impart them to. learning through the flow..breathing into its deep knowing... oneness..nonduality...i am given to distraction as by nature, there are countless notions worth exploring ... inexplicable intensities to unravel the mystery of... yet in seeking there is no answer. the answer exists already, found, evident, in the moment when we realized we are aligned...
someone put it to me this way last night.. my love said; as i pondered the difference, or rather the distinction or the fortitude, or the overall authority- one sense of knowing ought have over another...
he said; if you, in
thought, heart, and affection are not in harmony, in agreement, in the same place, at the same moment. something is fundamentally wrong. now i choose to replace the word 'wrong' with, perhaps, ' less worthy of focusing immense effort or energy. '
but this truth is something that's resonance cannot be disregarded as we move toward greater enlightenment, greater peace, greater sense of wholeness.
i wish to fulfill my purpose from a place of both authenticity and complete unity of my faculties of understanding.
as i believe, it is only in that place that we find true connection.

i have been ever in the idealist's space, creating great beautiful intricate woven worlds to support my romantic dreams of profound meaning... and most certainly all in its time, serves its purpose, but from an evolutionary vantage point, in those instances, those extended periods, however essential to the process as they mirror our opportunities for growth, are not entirely, truly, authentic.
and once we have seen the magnitude of truth, there is no substitute.

i am breathing, low and quiet in the space where i foster loving reprieve, channeling it upward as sunshine on the garden of my heart.
my mind becomes a clear path for delivering the words and the visions that liberate.
let it not be dissonant.

Love leans in with forgiving Grace to replace the millennia of suffering with an opportunity for elevation, for re-creation of our species...