Thursday, March 24, 2011 related to an earlier chat discussing the notion of 'mirth.'
my favorite or...perhaps least contrived or trite sounding intepretation is something like this:
merriment generated by people who are hearty, generous, benevolent...
spontaneous amusement or gaiety, manifested briefly in laughter: uncontrolled outbursts

...often exceeding the limits of reason or propriety.
a conceptbest leftunfettered by expectationoranticipation.  
i lay in the aftermath of some such merrimentmanifest, postsnowyfrolic...ingratefulawe... w/such profound, astound @ all that is.. the intricate uni-leveraging art of each moment as it miraculously encircles our awareness...penetrating once we have given way to recognition... arisestomeetwonder...there are no ordinary moments.. there are no untapped instances in the true sense of being inspired life as it speeds by, leaving none unafflicted. yet masses still missing the moment. 
do we adjust our speed in/when/whilst becoming present?
its the notion of becoming unencumbered by the wisdom of now that leads wandering hearts to anchor.
be still, and the art of stillness shall save you from fleeting notions of destination.
i am destinationless.
..&in an agonizing instant, realizing the breadth of the lessons that are to be now confronted have made their own journey here through attachment...detachment...dismissal...digression...diligence. 
seems mirth has another purpose beyond deliveringdiscretionlesssmilesandlovingreprievefrommundane... blossom forth purposefulpain in its wake, thedarkcosmicfireywrenchinggrowthinducingpainthatdrivesevolution.
in the meantime. iam.



Love leans in with forgiving Grace to replace the millennia of suffering with an opportunity for elevation, for re-creation of our species...